Replacing sugar with other sources of carbohydrates does not necessarily make you lose weight, according to a scientific review study.
Busting such misconceptions about the impact of sugars on health, the study observes that what appears more important is the total amount of energy intake, the energy density of the foods and the quality of the diet.
The evidence shows that added sugars do not necessarily compromise a person's intake of micronutrients. The "micronutrient dilution" myth that eating added sugars dilutes the nutrient density of a person's diet appears mostly due to misreporting and methodological constraints.
Finally, although sugar consumption has traditionally been associated with poor dental health, the experts pointed to the importance of the frequency, more than the amount, of consumption of all sugars and fermentable carbohydrates.
The combined impact of many dietary and lifestyle factors such as physical activity, excessive calorie intake and weight gain, and their interactions, have to be taken into account.
Obesity and low physical activity are causally related to the development of insulin resistance and its progression towards type 2 diabetes.
There is convincing evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCT) that weight loss and moderate physical activity are beneficial in improving insulin sensitivity and preventing type 2 diabetes, said a Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre (CEFS) release. CEFS represents all European sugar manufacturers and refiners among European Institutions.
Health tips News: Myths > sugar and health
Labels: diabetes, health news, Health Tips, sugar